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Enabling Digital Growth for Social and Sustainable Initiatives

People and technology are a powerful force to tackle social and environmental challenges. That’s why my partners and I support initiatives in their growth so that they can amplify their positive impact on our digital world.

To help social and sustainable initiatives amplify their positive impact on our digitally connected world. – Mission Statement

Digitalization creates opportunities

Access to education

1.6+ billion

students worldwide were able to continue learning through online learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: UNESCO
Carbon footprint

300 million

tons of CO2 emissions were saved in 2020 through the introduction of teleworking and video conferencing.

Source: International Energy Agency
Financial inclusion

1.2+ billion

people worldwide who were previously excluded have gained access to banking through digital financial services.

Source: Global Findex Database

Initiatives making our world a better place

Many remarkable organizations and exceptional people around the globe give their energy, passion, and lifetime for a better world. Below, we introduce five of these non-profit initiatives.

Young Enterprise motivates young people to succeed in the changing world of work by equipping them with the work skills, knowledge and confidence they need.

The vision of the Safe Water Gardens project is to provide a safe and affordable sanitation system for every home in rural areas around the world.

MicroLoan Foundation provides the tools and skills to enable the poorest women in sub-Saharan Africa to work their own way out of poverty.

Lendwithcare is an initiative of global poverty fighting charity CARE International which enables people to make small loans online to entrepreneurs in some of the poorest parts of the world.

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) has developed a global acoustic network for halting illegal logging, poaching, mining, and monitoring biodiversity.

Driven by purpose

In the age of ESG (environmental, social, and governance), every action that paves our way to a more socially responsible and sustainable future is valuable.

Organizations of all sizes have different ways of being sustainable, acting with social responsibility, and showing integrity. Against this background, my partners and I would like to contribute:

On the one hand, by raising awareness of aspects relating to ESG, emerging technologies, and digital transformation. On the other hand, by supporting social and sustainable initiatives.

Let’s walk this path together; it’s worth it.

Shaping positive change in our digital world commentaries, essays, and videos shed light on global digital trends and developments, provide information about innovative social and sustainable projects, and tell the inspiring stories of the people behind the initiatives.

This website is hosted in data centers that are 100% carbon-neutral through renewable energy.

Did you know?

Once a week, I send out my CEO newsletter on digital growth. It is written for leaders and read by founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, including Fortune 500 CEOs.

Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
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