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Podcast Episodes and Video Interviews Involving Digital Growth

As a guest on podcasts and video interviews, I regularly share my insights into digital growth. The content focuses on decision-makers who run their business worldwide. Key categories include technology and innovation, leadership, sustainability, and digital business transformation.

Guest podcast

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Description of the episode

InfoBeans podcast episode #15: “How Technology and Innovation Drive Digital Growth.” Guest speaker Mike Flache shares his insights and experiences on the digital transformation journey and explains why innovation is key to running a successful business in the modern world. His philosophy on bridging the technology and communication gaps emerging in the business is proving to be a guide to real-world challenges. Mike talks about how innovation is used to increase efficiency and streamline processes.


Digital Transformation – from Manufacturing to Finance and beyond

Efi Pylarinou, global fintech expert, and Mike Flache in an unconventional discussion. Topics range from digital transformation and sharing insights from various industries (from manufacturing to financial services) to discussing KPIs (from business to personal) to sustainability and overcoming challenges.

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Interview (German)

AI, ML, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks

As part of the three-part Spark Sessions, Mike Flache speaks to Bernie Wagner, Managing Director of Google Cloud Germany. The core topics are what differences and opportunities AI, ML, deep learning, and neural networks offer. And how these technologies can help companies derive insights from data.


Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 Hyper-Converged DCN Solution

At Mobile World Congress, Mike Flache engages in a conversation with Leon Wang, President of Data Center Network Domain of Huawei Data Communication Product Line, on business efficiency and service availability. Leon shares the latest insights into Huawei’s CloudFabric 3.0 Hyper-Converged DCN Solution with Mike.

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Interview (German)

Digital transformation and digital mindset

As part of the German-language interview series by division one, a member of the global ENEX Group, Mike Flache is the guest of technology expert Marc Hammer. In the interview, both discuss relevant aspects of digitalization, leadership, and how important the right mindset is for the future viability of organizations.


Don't waste a good crisis

Mike Flache is a guest at the Engati CX Show. He talks about how a crisis always offers opportunities and how to find and use them. This mindset can help transform business models, reshape processes through technology, and help organizations grow in every area – from revenue to sustainability to leaders and their teams.

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Leverage Tomorrow's Business Opportunities Today

Written for leaders. Read by founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, including Fortune 500 CEOs.

Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
11-page interview

Mike on technology, digital business, and leadership

MilliOnAir Magazine – Interview with Mike Flache
11-page interview

Mike on technology, digital business, and leadership

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Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
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