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I’m Mike Flache – an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, I build digital businesses. Onalytica’s analysts named me one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation.

I help high-tech innovators in Silicon Valley, Europe, and Asia grow and scale. The main focus is on business models in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain, and AR/VR. These include companies such as Fundment, Baqend, Codetrails, Accelery, IHSE, Hiprocall, and ONEWAYX, to name a few.

To enable digital growth in order to create sustainable added value for people, organizations, and the environment
Why Statement

Together with the Fundment team, we are currently building one of the next billion-dollar companies in financial technology. I’m also a partner of venture capital and private equity companies, such as V/G Ventures Switzerland, Scale Capital in Denmark and the USA, and a mentor and jury member of the Get in the Ring Foundation.

As a recognized thought leader, I collaborate with Fortune 500 companies, innovators, and technology vendors. Over the years, I’ve worked with executives of companies such as the Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Google, Amazon, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Huawei Technologies, and Mercedes-Benz.

Mike has worked with leaders of Fortune 500 companies, medium-sized world market leaders, and startups

BMC Software
Mercedes-Benz Cars
Silicon Valley Innovation Center
Huawei Technologies
Siemens Energy
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
DLC Della Leaders Club
AS-Schneider Group

Recognized thought leader


Onalytica’s analysts named Mike one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation

As a mentor for aspiring entrepreneurs and young executives, I pass on lessons learned to the next generation of business leaders. Focus topics are the development of sustainable growth strategies for the digital age and the scaling of digital value creation.

Every year I’m a guest at conferences and events, such as Mobile World Congress, Digital Asia, Huawei Connect, Digital Transformation Summit, and Digital Enterprise Show. I also give guest lectures at business schools and universities, such as the Harbin Institute of Technology and the Singapore University of Social Sciences.

Press and media

I regularly contribute my experience to international media, including Enterprise Management 360, Digital Innovation, LinkedIn, e27 Asia, Jumpstart, BBN Times, Irish Tech News, CXBuzz, and Spotify.

Digital Innovation Magazine
Enterprise Management 360
BBN Times

Notable recognition

  • Most Influential Digital Transformation Specialist (Global Excellence Awards)
  • Global Top 5 Angel Investor to Follow (Evan Carmichael)
  • Global Top 10 Thought Leader in Digital Transformation (Onalytica)
  • Global Top 25 Thought Leader for Renewable Energy (Thinkers360)
  • Global Top 30 Influencer of Industrial Internet of Things IIoT (Right Relevance)
  • Global Top 35 Thought Leader on Metaverse (Thinkers360)
  • Global Top 50 Thought Leader for 5G (Thinkers360)
  • 50 Most Powerful AI Influencers (engatica)
  • 200 Most Powerful Influencers on Customer Experience (Engati CX)

Notable membership

  • Della Leaders Global Honorary Member
  • Asia CEO Community
  • Human Capital Network
  • Expert Group Supervisory Boards / Advisory Boards
  • HPE VIP Community

Social and sustainability

People and technology are a powerful force to tackle social and environmental challenges. That’s why my partners and I raise awareness for aspects related to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and support charitable initiatives in their growth.

Rising Up Again

From digital growth to personal growth

Rising Up Again – master life's biggest challenges and create a fulfilling second half of life
Rising Up Again

From digital growth to personal growth

Whether CEOs, founders, or entrepreneurs – we all face small and big challenges every day. How we mentally deal with these issues determines our actions and thus, to a large extent, our future.

“Rising Up Again” is a book for anyone who wants to master the biggest challenges and create a fulfilling second half of life.

Did you know?

Once a week, I send out my CEO newsletter on digital growth. It is written for leaders and read by founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, including Fortune 500 CEOs.

Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
CEO newsletter
Leverage Tomorrow's Business Opportunities Today

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Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
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