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From Digital Growth to Personal Growth

“Rising Up Again” is a book for anyone who wants to master the biggest challenges and create a fulfilling second half of life.

Rising Up Again – A Book by Mike Flache

Mastering life's biggest challenges

Whether CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, or employees — we all face small and big challenges every day. How we mentally deal with these issues determines our actions and thus, to a large extent, our future.

Based on the lessons of my strokes of fate, I reveal the process of how I used my “Triple-A” system to overcome crises and build something new out of them.

The book is currently in the works.

Creating a fulfilling second half of life

How do you successfully master life’s biggest challenges? You need a whole new mindset and skill set. My “Triple-A” system is based on three simple principles:


Face reality and the associated challenges, and take responsibility


Reflect on what happened, create your new vision, and develop an implementation plan


Get in the driver’s seat, invest existing resources, and redesign your life in a self-determined way

Broaden your perspective to identify opportunities

“Rising Up Again” articles have a clear focus: helping entrepreneurs and leaders see failures and setbacks as stepping stones to new successes. Over 30,000 people around the world follow my posts.

Featured in international media
Silicon Valley Innovation Center
MilliOnAir Magazine

About the author

Along the way, I’ve had to face and solve many challenges — whether it was the abrupt end to my professional sports career as a teenager, surviving the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, or separating from loved ones in my family.

Whether in business or life, each of these experiences has been an invaluable lesson and has grown me as a person.

I share tips and lessons learned in the “Rising Up Again” newsletter, in podcasts, and in my book.

About the author

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