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Mike Flache Invited to the Trust in Tech Summit 2021

The most cutting-edge tech event of the year

Trust in Tech Summit 2021

This year’s Huawei Trust in Tech Summit, the organizer is glad to have Neil Bush, Founder and Chairman of George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, Pascal Lamy, the former director general of WTO, and various other industry leaders to share their views on trust and partnering with technology to achieve greater goals.

In the face of any global challenge, be it the pandemic, poverty, or climate change, trust is the essential foundation that undergirds our efforts to solve problems together.

The challenges humanity is currently facing necessitate coming together to work toward common goals, make the most of everyone’s intelligence, and maximize the value technology can create for society.

Mike Flache is invited to join the event, along with other invited industry experts to discuss how trust and collaboration can solve humanity’s greatest challenges, such as global gaps, climate change, economic recovery, misinformation, and more.

Save the date: 2 Dec 22:00 (GMT+8)

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Cover image: Trust in Tech Summit 2021

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